Thoughts, ideas and work

A namespace for innovation, technology and cloud computing.

Uninstalling the Malware of Bureaucracy

Uninstalling the Malware of Bureaucracy

April 6, 2020

Open Banking in Australia: Hesitation Equals Failure

Open Banking in Australia: Hesitation Equals Failure

August 6, 2017

They Call It a Royale with Cheese: What GDPR Means for Australia.

They Call It a Royale with Cheese: What GDPR Means for Australia.

June 6, 2017

Australian Enterprises - Are you a Transformation Skeptic or Digital Explorer?

Australian Enterprises - Are you a Transformation Skeptic or Digital Explorer?

April 6, 2017

Fast & Furious: Why Lighthouse Projects, Not PowerPoints, Will Unlock Your Transformation Value

Fast & Furious: Why Lighthouse Projects, Not PowerPoints, Will Unlock Your Transformation Value

April 6, 2017

Survival of the Millennial Friendly Bank - A CIO's Guide to the Unknown Future

Survival of the Millennial Friendly Bank - A CIO's Guide to the Unknown Future

April 6, 2017

Dear APRA: Cloud is not the boogeyman

Dear APRA: Cloud is not the boogeyman

February 6, 2017

New data breach law drives Australia’s cyber security focus

New data breach law drives Australia’s cyber security focus

February 6, 2017

Amazon’s Australian retail launch – threat or opportunity?

Amazon’s Australian retail launch – threat or opportunity?

February 6, 2017