
Uninstalling the Malware of Bureaucracy

“…We need to take on the apologists. Though few executives admit to being fans of bureaucracy, fewer still seem genuinely committed to killing it.

Open banking

Open Banking in Australia: Hesitation Equals Failure

Australian Banks Should Build (APIs) Rather Than Baulk (At Open Banking).

Data G d p r

They Call It a Royale with Cheese: What GDPR Means for Australia.

‘The new European General Data Protection Protection Regulation (aka ‘GDPR’) brings to mind John Travolta’s conversation with Samuel L.


Australian Enterprises - Are you a Transformation Skeptic or Digital Explorer?

What we can learn from Telsa’s innovation culture: Last week, Tesla has surpassed General Motors to become the most valuable US automaker, with a market capitalisation of $US50.


Fast & Furious: Why Lighthouse Projects, Not PowerPoints, Will Unlock Your Transformation Value

It used to take a Fortune 500 company around 20 years to reach a $1 billion valuation.


Survival of the Millennial Friendly Bank - A CIO's Guide to the Unknown Future

Millennials are the largest generation alive, currently making up more than 5 million people in Australia (over 20% of the population).

Cloud A p r a

Dear APRA: Cloud is not the boogeyman

We’re experiencing a time of unprecedented growth in enterprise cloud adoption and yet some still regard the cloud as a cybersecurity boogeyman, conjuring up an image of evil, long-haired, goatee-sporting hackers gleefully rolling around in a bed full of ill-gotten data_[1]_.


New data breach law drives Australia’s cyber security focus

A new mandatory data breach notification law has come to Australia.

Australia Amazon

Amazon’s Australian retail launch – threat or opportunity?

The Amazon effect Amazon’s rising power is clear from the raft of media coverage warning of Amazon’s Australian expansion plans, expected later this year.